A Berry of a Race and More
This morning's Berry College 10K race (also with 5K, 1 mile, and 1/2 Marathon) could not have been better. The venue was both ideal and idyllic, and as the world's largest college campus there was plenty of room to lay out some scenic routes. The tree-lined roads and trails carried us by pastures with deer, beautiful stone college buildings, and even a bit of snow still around in places as icing on the cake. It was very well organized and staffed, making the handling of about 2,000 runners flow like clockwork. By running the 10K, I dropped into my comfortable pace (a 54:14 finish), rather than too-fast paces I often try for 5Ks. Overall, it was a top-notch event, the way all races should be.
Afterward, we enjoyed warming temps and exciting soccer. Lydia had a great game in our season opener with three goals, some excellent crosses and setups, and a "textbook" corner kick: she lifted it and it dropped right in front of the goal for her friend to finish. Luke's first regular season NASA game was a competitive one, ending in a tie. Overall, a great Saturday!