dogCount; } public function setDogCount($count) { $this->dogCount = $count; } public function getCatCount() { return $this->catCount; } public function setCatCount($count) { $this->catCount = $count; } public function getMouseCount() { return $this->mouseCount; } public function setMouseCount($count) { $this->mouseCount = $count; } public function getTotalCount() { return $this->getDogCount() + $this->getCatCount() + $this->getMouseCount(); } public function getTotalCost() { return ($this->getDogCount() * 15) + $this->getCatCount() + ($this->getMouseCount() * 0.25); } /** * Generate a random set of counts, within reasonable constraints. */ public function randomize() { $this->setDogCount(rand(1,6)); $this->setCatCount(rand(1,85)); $this->setMouseCount(rand(1,336)); } /** * Return the fitness of this solution as a score * from 0 (worst) to 100 (perfect). * See: */ public function getFitness() { // There must be at least one of each animal: if ($this->getDogCount() == 0 || $this->getCatCount() == 0 || $this->getMouseCount() == 0) return 0; $countError = abs(100 - $this->getTotalCount()); $amountError = abs(100 - $this->getTotalCost()); if ($countError > 50 || $amountError > 50) return 0; else return 100 - ($countError + $amountError); } /** * Set my attributes from those of my parents. * This is also known as breeding, crossover, or recombination. */ public function combine($dad, $mom) { $this->setDogCount(rand(0,1) == 0 ? $dad->getDogCount() : $mom->getDogCount()); $this->setCatCount(rand(0,1) == 0 ? $dad->getCatCount() : $mom->getCatCount()); $this->setMouseCount(rand(0,1) == 0 ? $dad->getMouseCount() : $mom->getMouseCount()); } /** * Mutate my attributes so that I'm not an exact clone of my parents. */ public function mutate() { $this->setDogCount(rand(0,2) == 0 ? rand(1,6) : $this->getDogCount()); $this->setCatCount(rand(0,2) == 0 ? rand(1,85) : $this->getCatCount()); $this->setMouseCount(rand(0,2) == 0 ? rand(1,336) : $this->getMouseCount()); } /** * Compare fitness levels for sorting. */ public function compareFitness($purchase1, $purchase2) { if ($purchase1->getFitness() == $purchase2->getFitness()) return 0; return ($purchase1->getFitness() > $purchase2->getFitness()) ? -1 : 1; } /** * Format myself in table form. */ public function printMe() { echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; printf('',$this->getDogCount()); printf('',$this->getCatCount()); printf('',$this->getMouseCount()); printf('',$this->getTotalCount()); printf('',$this->getTotalCost()); printf('',$this->getFitness()); echo '
'; } // Class (static): /** * Create/initialize a population of the given size with random individuals. */ public static function createPopulation($size) { $population = array(); for ($i=0; $i<$size; $i++) { $purchase = new PetPurchase(); $purchase->randomize(); array_push($population, $purchase); } return $population; } /** * Select a subset of the given population for breeding a new generation. * Return this subset ordered by the most fit first. */ public static function select($population, $size) { usort($population, array('PetPurchase', 'compareFitness')); return array_slice($population, 0, $size); } /** * Breed the items in the given population to produce a new generation. * We'll breed 2 kids for each pair of parents. */ public static function breed($population) { $nextGeneration = array(); for ($i=0; $icombine($dad, $mom); array_push($nextGeneration, $kid1); $kid2 = new PetPurchase(); $kid2->combine($dad, $mom); $kid2->mutate(); // evil twin array_push($nextGeneration, $kid2); } return $nextGeneration; } /** * Find the most fit solution by breeding the given number of generations, * each with the specified population size. * Return an array with the most fit and the number of generations created. */ public static function findMostFit($generations, $populationSize) { $population = self::createPopulation($populationSize); $mostFit = new PetPurchase(); for ($i=0; $i<$generations; $i++) { $population = self::select($population, $populationSize); if ($population[0]->getFitness() > $mostFit->getFitness()) $mostFit = $population[0]; if ($mostFit->getFitness() == 100) break; $population = self::breed($population); } return array($mostFit, $i); } } ?>