30 October 2010
A tic-tac-toe game bot
23 October 2010
RPS Scoring
15 October 2010
Counting rocks. And paper. And scissors.
8 October 2010
1 October 2010
Happy numbers
12 June 2010
The Friday Fragment takes a summer break
5 June 2010
Factorials for polyglots
28 May 2010
A clever swap
21 May 2010
Cryptograms - they never get old!
14 May 2010
Find where Celsius equals Fahrenheit
8 May 2010
Searching for the oddball
1 May 2010
4 + 9 = 6?
24 April 2010
Help Owen Moore with a SQL puzzle solution
17 April 2010
A fill-in-the-blank SQL puzzle
8 April 2010
The perils of weak passwords
2 April 2010
Find the missing digit for fun and profit
27 March 2010
Solving this might just spare you a death by poisoning
20 March 2010
Can you help little Johnny stay out of trouble? All it takes is a fine sort with compression and base conversion...