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22 January 2011

How many dogs, cats, and mice can you buy?

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14 January 2011

Coding our team power ranking calculator

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8 January 2011

Design a tournament graph solution to compute NFL power rankings

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31 December 2010

A calendar creator

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24 December 2010

A day of week calculator

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17 December 2010

Improving our Reversi game with AJAX calls

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10 December 2010

Code an online Reversi game

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4 December 2010

Human vs game bot

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26 November 2010

A famously challenging cipher

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20 November 2010

Bot vs bot in Reversi

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13 November 2010

An Othello game bot

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6 November 2010

Scoring the tic-tac-toe game bots

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30 October 2010

A tic-tac-toe game bot

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23 October 2010

RPS Scoring

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15 October 2010

Counting rocks. And paper. And scissors.

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8 October 2010


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8 October 2010

Protein folding from the comfort of home

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1 October 2010

Happy numbers